Monday, August 15, 2011

4 Months and Beyond!

Evelyn is now 4 months old and she is quite the chunker. She's getting so big. She rolls over every once and awhile, but prefers her back and just moving around on her back. Making circles or just ending up in a completely different spot. She's way interested in toys now and reaching out for them. She's getting to be so big and is a very happy, smily, laughy baby!

Sam is talking so good now. He puts at least 3 or more words together now. And you can pretty much understand most everything he says. It makes it very nice. He's very helpful with Evelyn. Always giving her hugs and kisses and giving her her binky to calm her down. He's such a good big brother. He's very considerate and is always helping mommy and daddy out. So big!

Mike is starting his school orientations this week and is getting really excited to start teaching choir! He went on retreat with his ovation choir and he had a blast and you can just tell he's way excited for it. He started one of the songs there and he just felt at home. He can't wait for more time with them and just doing what he loves.

As for me I'm just doing the same old stuff. Being a mom. Doing the laundry, cleaning the house, and most importantly and the best, taking care of my beautiful children. There's really nothing new with me. I'll have to start getting things ready to start moving. That is a daunting task. One I look forward to, but also don't look forward to. If you know what I mean. ;)

Life is great in the mills' home and we're a happy bunch. Hope life is good for all of you!

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