Monday, May 30, 2011


First off, Mike has accepted an offer to teach the high school and middle school choirs in Morgan!! We are so excited and cannot wait for him to embark on this new adventure!

Morgan is an hour away and Northeast from here. So that means we are going to be moving. We are excited to move to this small town and we already feel very welcome because everyone has asked if we need any help. Got to love small towns. :) So our house is on the market and here's to hoping that it sells really fast.

We had been searching for so long and now that we know this is where we're going it all feels right and good. We know this is what we were waiting for. It's amazing how things will always fall into place when they need to. We also feel like it's the place we need to raise our family. We know it's not the best time to sell, but we know it's right and we'll be taken care of as long as we trust in our Heavenly Father. He will do and give what we need.

So here's to our new adventure! Wish us luck!

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