Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Sam has actually been really good about taking naps this week. Hallelujah! I just hope it lasts. He still takes about 30 minutes to go down and during that time will usually pull out a lot of the clothes from the dresser. I used to hate it and now I just figure oh well. Cause at least he helps me put them away and I've noticed it's a stress reliever for me to fold clothes. Odd, but definitely a plus. :)

Today during nap time he progressed to pull out almost all of his jammies, but then he must have gotten sidetracked in the middle. When I went in to check on him I thought to myself, "Man! This room smells just like poop!!" I look over at our diaper genie, which holds all the diapers, and sure enough one of the diapers is out and undone and poopy. Now anyone that knows what a diaper genie is, knows that once the diaper goes in, you really can't get it out unless you are taking the bag out. Sam can only open the lid and I guess somehow he reached his hand in there, grabbed a diaper and pulled it out all the while not getting caught on anything! How can kids be so smart. And also what do you want to play with a dirty diaper for, especially one with poop in it? When I was folding it back up, I noticed that he had ripped the velcro off and so I just had to throw it in there half folded.... Ewww! My next thought, "Please, I hope you didn't touch or eat any of it!" He was fast asleep and as most mothers know when they're finally asleep you just don't bother them.

Luckily when he woke up there were no traces of poo on him or his bed or even around his room. I think when he finally achieved success in opening the diaper, he ran away from the stench. ;) Cause I know I sure wanted to when walking in and checking on him. It's just too funny what kids do and through it all you just have to laugh and have fun.

I love you Sam!

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