Being a mother of two children is definitely much more different than just taking care of one. Obviously right? Learning to let one cry so you can take care of the other and then once they're good, taking care of the other has been quite a lesson. But I must say things have been going really well. Sam is still in love with his sister and he's a big help. I feel really blessed to have him as my son. Don't get me wrong he has his days. He is a two year old, but he still is just the best son I could have ever asked for. Evelyn is adjusting to life outside the womb quite well. She's not a curler just like Sam. She spreads all out. And she's really starting to become her own person. She's absolutely beautiful.
We had check-ups this week. Here are the stats.
Samuel: 29 lbs. & 34.75 in.
Evelyn: 7 lbs 13 oz & 21.5 in.

Evelyn is basically back up to birth weight. She lost a lot of weight in the hospital because she wouldn't eat, but what baby that was just born eats every 2 hours? Nothing to worry about. She's completely healthy and definitely an eater now. :)

Samuel is getting so big. I can't believe he weighs that much! I kept thinking he was huge and well he is! He's my healthy boy and good to go.
I just still can't believe Samuel is 2 years old and Evelyn is just over 2 weeks old. Time sure does fly by.