Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's Over!

After 5 1/2 years, 11 semesters, 71 classes, and 143.5 credits, I am finally finished with my undergrad! Although I don't walk until May, I turned in my last assignments on December 6th and am now a free man! It's a fantastic feeling, but someone anti-climatic. My printer didn't even sing the hallelujah chorus when it printed my last assignment. ;) On to the next phase of life!

Friday, December 3, 2010

New Baby!

So wow it's been a long long time since we've wrote on here. :) Ah well.

This August I had to get surgery again for my endometriosis. First, because we were having no luck getting pregnant (so we thought) and second, I was in a lot of pain again. So here rolls around my surgery date. Everything went great. He got rid of more endometriosis and then flushed my tubes to help with the pregnancy part. ;) About a week after my surgery I was completely sick. Morning, day and night. I was alway nautious and we just had no idea why. Finally, 3 weeks after the surgery I gave up and bought a pregnancy test. Things just seemed to be going in that direction. Could that surgery really have helped that quick? Well I took the test and immediately 2 pink lines! Oh my gosh!!!! We're actually pregnant. YAY! But wait I would only technically be 3 weeks along. This can't be right. I remember taking the test with Sam at about 5 weeks and the 2 pinks lines were barely visible and took awhile to show up. These lines were as bright as can be and were pretty much immediate!! Hmm.... To say the least I was really happy, but also a little confused. I called the doctor's office to let them know I was pregnant and we set the appointment up for about 6 weeks out. Man! I have to wait so long.

Well 3 weeks later some things started happening. I was still absolutely sick, but now my heart is pounding randomly, it's racing, and I'm even having heart palpitations. They told me to come in and of course I'm more than happy to come in. They were going to do an ultrasound and my doctor says, "We'll probably not even be able to see the baby. It's only 6 weeks along." I was thinking the same thing, but I needed some answers to why things didn't match up with this pregnancy and also why my heart is doing all this stuff. So we start the ultrasound and immediately finds the baby and it's no 6 week baby. It's not even the 9 week baby I remember seeing Sam at our first appointment with him. This baby had arms and legs! What??? Come to find out I'm 6 weeks further along. I'm 12 weeks. YAY! But then that brings a whole load of questions. How could this be? I had surgery while I was pregnant and he flushed my tubes!! We just sat there staring at this little baby, well huge to me, and wondered. We were both floored. We looked into every question and well this baby was just meant to be here at this time. We have no idea on some answers, but we know the baby is healthy and happy. We could see the baby moving all over the place. :)

It's funny now to think back on that day. I remember thinking I knew exactly how far along I was. I thought it so odd that I could already feel little movements. I was so so so sick!! And now I can just laugh about it and think to myself how happy I am that I just skipped 6 weeks. That's every pregnant woman's dream I would think.

Well on to other matters this pregnancy has been very different from Sam. I was only sick in the morning with him and then it was gone by my second trimester. Everything was pretty much simple with him. Well with this little baby I am sick constantly! Nautious, but never to the point of throwing up. I can never get relief. :( I have a somewhat overactive thyroid. The tests have all been so different. That's been awesome!! I already mentioned about my heart, but then when I went in to see the endocrinologist for my thyroid he then tells me I have a heart murmur. Wow little one what are you doing to my body? I am just now not worrying about everything and taking it as it is. I just can't wait to finally get some good news and find out what we're having.

My 20 week appointment finally arrives! I progress to tell my OB about the heart murmur and guess what? I now get to go to a cardiologist! How many doctors can I get sent to? He thinks that everything will be just fine, but he just wants to be sure. He doesn't want me going into heart failure on him. Well that was not the news I wanted. Let's get to the ultrasound. I want my good news!!! I feel pretty lucky though because they had a brand new machine and it's got some pretty neat things it can do. Well the ultrasound tech checks everything. The baby is healthy!! YAY! It's got all of it's organs and everything seems to be working great. So then since this was a brand new machine they had the expert do all the fun stuff. Like the 4D. It was amazing! They decided to do the head shot first and this baby already looks absolutely beautiful! The baby kept trying to hide. It would keep putting its arms in front of its face. So we watched the arms moving up and down. We even watched the baby roll around. So fun! We then went down to the legs. This baby has some long legs!! It was kicking its legs back and forth and just having a blast. I knew this baby was a mover. I can feel it all the time and this ultrasound just confirmed how active this little one is. :) Anyway now to get to the big news. We're having a GIRL!!! We're so excited!!! We kept telling Sam that he was going to have a sister. He seemed to enjoy watching the ultrasound at first, but then he got bored of watching the same thing over and over again, but I sure didn't!!! It's a girl and we're way happy. Now on to my favorite part. :)

We kept thinking about how we would tell Cherie, Mike's mom, cause we knew she would be so excited considering the first girl was born 8 years ago. After that came 7 boys. So, Mike kept throwing ideas around. We finally went with this. We walked in the house after making her wait all day which she told us she was getting a little impatient. :) I could just see her itching to know. She saw me holding the pictures and you could just see her wanting to rip them out of my hands. So Mike finally says, "Strike another one for the baseball team!" Mom then is quite happy and gives Mike a high five. Little does she know there's more to what Mike is going to say. After the high five he says, "Let's just hope they let girls on the team!" That got such a loud squeal out of mom! You could tell she was so excited. That then produced hugs all around. She couldn't stop smiling the entire time we were over. That was one of my favorite moments of the day. Mike and I talked about it the whole way home. We just kept thinking too bad we couldn't have taped that moment. We would watch it constantly! :) But at least we have a good memory.

So again we're having a GIRL! I just can't stop saying it and I definitely cannot stop smiling. We're really excited! YAY!!!